Thursday, August 14, 2014

Staying Positive

It was at that point, while I was sitting at my desk in a semi-corporate (remember, progressive) office that I realized I could no longer do this.  After fighting through my military career, focusing to acquire a skill set which would allow me to obtain a job in a software firm, and fighting through job applications and interviews to obtain a ‘job that I would want’, I realized that it was not that I wanted to use my focus for a different company.  I wanted to leave this type of ‘organization’ altogether.

Or so I thought.  My father once gave me some wise advice.  He told me that everytime I feel that overpowering urge to quit that I should wait a week and reevaluate my feelings.  In an analogous methodology,  Abraham Lincoln would often write ‘hot letters’ to those individuals who have incurred some good old fashioned righteous anger.  A quote from a biography which was quoted in the Huffington Post:

Before sending the letter, which he knew would leave Meade disconsolate, Lincoln held back as he often did when he was upset or angry, waiting for his emotions to settle. In the end, he placed the letter in an envelope inscribed: 'To Gen. Meade, never sent, or signed.'"

And so Gen Meade wasn’t berated, disheartened, or depressed, and good ole Honest Abraham Lincoln kept his cool.  In the same vein, I chose to keep my cool and wait my emotions out.  And once I did I discovered something amazing: my problems were not with the company.  

For all of the ‘time’ that I was losing being at work, I was wasting even more at home not pursuing the things that I wanted to accomplish.  It is important that we carve the life we want out of the life we have.  And it behooves each individual to live life in a way that gratifies what they love.  

So I never sent my resignation letter, and Lincoln never sent his letter of agitation.  But not sending does not equate to not thinking or writing, it just means that a conscious decision to not allow our emotions to control the actions around us.  This is not a habit yet for me in many aspects, but I have realized that as I practice this I become more consistent and continue to live the life that I want to live.

Now how does this deal with language learning?  Don’t quit what you love, ever.  Even when it seems like you can’t go in anymore.  Even when it seems like you are not making progress or are not in a situation where you can make any progress.  Instead of quitting your life and your job, making your life and your job work for you.  You’re smart, you’re resourceful, and you’re right.  Just do it, and the life you want will follow.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

我已經很久不聽音樂了,搬回田納西跟從高中交往至今的朋友一起住讓我發現一個令我詫異的事情:我已經早就不聽音樂了。我開始學習中文的時候,曾經發誓無論如何都要把自己的中文水平提升一個自己無法想像的境界。然而,當我到了一定水平的時候終於悟出知足而知不足的道理,現在更會學海無涯苦作舟。可在學習的過程當中,我發現了自己失去了原來的一個樂趣。音樂在我生活中慢慢消失了  後來我知道其實原來我不需要做得這麼極端。 學習語言應該是很有趣,很好玩,不應該天天吃苦邁前進。 所以,我勸大家多聽音樂,多聽TenaciousD,多玩電動,少練習中文

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


這6年來,學習中文是我最大的工程。 從拼音到論語, 我的人生目標一直是戴上“中文王”的皇冠。 通過這6年的辛苦學習, 我慢慢建立了自己的自信心和中文寫作的技巧。
最近我覺得自己的中文程度已經挺不錯了。因此選擇開始學習一個跟中文截然不同的技巧: 電腦程序。 我寫這個部落格的用意是,按照時間順序記錄我學習程序的點點滴滴。歡迎大家不吝賜教。